
I am embarrassed to say that I haven't taken any pictures in a year and a half, since I went back to school. Excuses include broken camera, broken light meter, too busy, etc. etc. But now I'm done with school! And my camera ought to be fixed! I need to pick one project to do over the next 7 months and print as I go this time. I have too many projects that failed because I didn't print along the way and think about the final product. Welcome to 2016, this blog is super chatty now. Here is something old.


  1. hey julie,

    found your blog a few months ago. really really enjoy what you have here. your photos are honestly quite inspiring - keep it up! much thanks from san francisco.


    1. Thanks so much, Matt! I need to do more. Do you post your current photos somewhere?

    2. can't say i do these days; but then again i was never as disciplined in photography as in film/video. my interest in cinema has waned (or adapted, i guess, if i want to save myself some grief and rationalize my continued education); but my interest in still photography has grown steadily over the years, to the point where, more often than not, i'd rather pore over photos than watch/study films.

      but i digress. i greatly admire your site here. and i need to do more too. i did link a tumblr of mine where i post stuff that inspires me. with your permission i'd love to post some of your work!

    3. I did look at your tumblr - wide variety of interesting stuff on there! Please feel free to share my photos, I'm so pleased you like them. Thanks again for the encouragement. Let's definitely keep making stuff :-)
